I will still dig for the backups. In the meantime, of course, https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://people.squeakfoundation.org/ might have it - a first glance shows that we got visited by their crawler quite often. 

On 4Feb, 2015, at 21:06, Jecel Assumpcao Jr. <jecel@merlintec.com> wrote:


thank you for your time and effort in looking into this. Around 2004 I
came up with a practical design for a hardware implementation of the
Squeak VM and used the blog capabilities in SqueakPeople to describe the
idea, hoping to start a discussion on the squeak-dev list (which didn't
happen). Later on I added more details to my swiki:


This complements what was on SqueakPeople rather than replacing it. I am
now writing some texts that will include the same information. Sorry if
I gave the impression that this (stuff like the list of special
bytecodes compared to the list of binary selectors that are part of
Slang) would be difficult to recreate. It wouldn't, so the original text
is mostly interesting as a historical record.

Many cheers,
-- Jecel

Case de Groot wrote:

I did a quick scan of my on-line archives, but couldn?t find it. I?ll flag this mail and dig through some old hard disks I should have lying around, but that won?t be today. I should still have it, although not finding it in the expected places makes me wonder whether I didn?t accidentally lose it...

Jecel - do you have a specific filename you are looking for?



On 3Feb, 2015, at 20:44, David T. Lewis <lewis@mail.msen.com> wrote:

Hello Cees,

I am trying to follow up on a request to recover some files related to SiliconSqueak
from people.squeakfoundation.org for Jecel Assumpcao Jr.

According to the wayback machine, SqueakPeople was active until 2008:


The configuration files that I find on the current squeak.org servers seem to
indicate that people.squeak.org was redirected to www.cdegroot.com:


And I think that this was a service that you originally were running:


So - by any chance do you have backups of that site, or perhaps even a
current instance of it running somewhere? In particular, would you be
able to help Jacel locate some files related to his SiliconSqueak work?

Thanks very much!


On Sun, Feb 01, 2015 at 11:34:33PM -0500, David T. Lewis wrote:
Hi Ken, hi Matthew,

Thanks for forwarding this. I am CC'ing the Squeak box-admins mailing list.

I don't recall the details of how SqueakPeople was set up, but I think that
there is a very good chance that we can recover the data. Despite the recent
failure of our old server at Hetzner, Levente Uzonyi was able to save and
recover most of the original data.


On Sun, Feb 01, 2015 at 01:50:59PM -0700, Ken Causey wrote:
I'm sorry I'm no longer involved in the Squeak project.  I suggest that
you contact David Lewis <lewis@mail.msen.com> .

David:  I vaguely remember that we kept a copy of the old SqueakPeople
data on the Hetzner server.  Unfortunately I don't really remember
where.  If my home directory is still there you might check there, you
might also check in Cees' home directory and just generally look through
the directories in /home, there may even still be a specific account for
SqueakPeople that we left in place.  Sorry I can't be of more help.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Recovering old files from SqueakPeople
From: Tapple Gao <tapplek@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, January 31, 2015 10:59 pm
To: ken@kencausey.com, jecel@merlintec.com
Cc: merik@me.com

Hi Ken
I???m contacting you on behalf of Jecel. Jecel had some notes regarding SiliconSqueak that were hosted on SqueakPeople (http://people.squeakfoundation.org ). He does not have these notes elsewhere, and they would take a long time to reproduce. Now the site no longer exists, and we are looking to recover those notes. Do you have any backups of that website? Would you be able to help us recover those notes?

Tapple Gao (Matthew Fulmer)