On Mar 19, 2014, at 1:44 PM, Levente Uzonyi <leves@elte.hu> wrote:

On Wed, 19 Mar 2014, Tobias Pape wrote:

On 19.03.2014, at 16:33, Chris Cunnington <websela@yahoo.com> wrote:

It's not ideal to serve squeak.org's resources files from my website forever, so how do we serve files from box4?
I'm going to post this idea and leave it for a week before I change anything.
I figure a week is enough time for people to look at the question.

nginx serves files from /usr/share/nginx/.
It's default is /usr/share/nginx/html.
The basic directive looks like this:

location / {
      root   /usr/share/nginx/html;
      index  index.html index.htm;

I'm thinking we have directories for each service in the default directory:


I propose to use the standard /var/www
but apart from that, yes.

Yes, and no :). As I said, I'll write proper config files. I've started to change stuff already, but editing anything on the server is a pain, due to the lack of tools (vim, screen, etc).

OK, from my point of view, that problem is solved. You're going to do it. I'll turn to other things. 

So far I've added the classic sites-enabled/sites-available directories,
which lets us have active and inactive per domain config files.

We'll need separate configurations for the static files of the website, and for other files (e.g. the files from ftp.squeak.org). The most important is to move the website's static files first.
I wonder what possibilities does Altitude have here. Can it store a separate version label for each file?

I'm in a G+ hangout with Colin tomorrow. I'll ask him and report back. 




We could add a new subdomain called "files" and serve from it.

