Though the whisper code is currently language inter-inoperable, the latest code is being hosted on gitlab with International Rabbits, as voix-basse-mourde. Here is the code:

If you would like to help, Java could be brought forwards adding PBEReader/PBEWriter, dataEncoding negotiation, SecureSessionSpecification with filtered cryptoProtocolNames, dataEncoderNames, scopeMaker and the traceDomains to parameterize the server behavior. On the Smalltalk side, Whisper_json, Whisper_magma and Whisper_fuel could be implemented. Matching JSON on the Java side. FEC Reed-Solomon could be tested and repaired (it's broken).

kerkkutatti is the Java code for remote promises and has the Smalltalk porcini code too. With Whisper's new SecureServerSpecification, the injection of a scopeMaker and encoder is all the config after push into the stack. Lots of work there on both sides, to get them talking.

If you want to help, have a beer and I'll match you, let me know what you want to work on and I can add you as a gitlab rabbit.


On 10/16/2016 7:22 PM, Robert Withers wrote:

Folks, I have updated whisper or SecureSession to provide Java/Squeak/Pharo interoperability. I am no longer able to access the Cryptography repo so I cannot push code, but the squeak/pharo code is in the squeak-pharo directory in the whisper github project. Here is the GitPages link:, with all other links.

whisper is osi Layer 5 SecureSession with modern crypto: Java/Squeak/Pharo interoperability.
