On Fri, Mar 4, 2011 at 5:55 PM, Levente Uzonyi <leves@elte.hu> wrote:
On Thu, 3 Mar 2011, laurent laffont wrote:


I've tried to use https in Pharo. I've loaded SSL package from Cryptography.

(HttpsUrl absoluteFromText: 'https://www.google.com')  raises MNU.

I've fixet it by changing:

SSLCipherSuite class>>supportedSuites

"hexCodeStrings := #('000A' '0009' '0004' '0005' '0012' '0013' '0015' '0016'
'0018' '001A' '001B')."

| hexCodeStrings |
hexCodeStrings := #('000A' '0009' '0012' '0013' '0015' '0016' '0004' '0005'
'0018' '001A' '001B').
^ (hexCodeStrings collect: [:e | self cipherSuiteAtHexString: e]) reject:
[:aSuite| aSuite isNil].

(rejecting nil suites).

I don't know the impact.

SSL it built on top of the Cryptography package. Since Pharo has some parts of the Cryptography package already loaded, thing probably won't work as they should. The last time I checked, this SSL implementation was incomplete, so I'd suggest you to use SqueakSSL instead.

I've tried SqueakSSL but it seems it needs a plugin which is not shipped with Cog nor Pharo One-Click VM. Am I right ? 





Laurent Laffont - @lolgzs <http://twitter.com/#!/lolgzs>

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