I am new to this group. I have a question about generation of cryptographic keys.
Is it possible to generate public and private keys from a String? i mean what i am doing is i am taking a fingrprint image and i am converting it to Stirng then from that string i have to generate keys.i don't know whether we can do like that or not? Please tell me is there anyway to generate keys from an inputted image or a Stirng or array of bytes?

On 2/16/06, luciano <luchiano@gmail.com> wrote:
Nice! Thanks!
Wow, the generation of the 2048-bit key takes 10 hours? I'll see if I
can improve that.


On 2/16/06, Chris Muller <chris@funkyobjects.org> wrote:
> Hi, this is just note to keep everyone informed about
> what I've done.  Sorry its long, I will try to keep it
> newsworthy and dense.   I have begun committing my
> initial Cryptography improvements as promised.  I just
> committed the following to our repository:
> For CryptographyBase:
> - Updated all usages of standard Random to use
> SecureRandom.  This now allows calculation of 512,
> 1024, 2048 and, computational power permitting, larger
> keys.  According to Schneier, Ferguson - "Practical
> Cryptography" p. 217:
>         "A prime of 2048 bits can be expected to secure data
> until around 2022; 3072 bits is secure until 2038; and
> 4096 bits until 2050." ...  "Be careful with these
> kinds of predictions."
> - Extended SecureRandom with #nextInt: and
> #nextFrom:to:.  The implementation just keeps calling
> nextBits: until an in-range is returned, and it passed
> a simple dispersion test.
> - As a substitute for Collection
> class>>#randomForPicking, we now have SecureRandom
> class>>#picker.  This keys of this are wiped out and
> regenerated on every image save, since saving the key
> to disk is not recommended.
> - Added SecureRandom class>>#withGeneratedKey.  This
> enumerates a series of relatively unpredictable
> Strings such as the bitmap of the current Squeak
> desktop, mouse position, Timer values, etc.
> - Fixed printOn:
> For Cryptography-Core:
> - Addition of CTR (counter) cipher mode.  In
> "Practical Cryptography" Schneier reasons this is
> preferred mode due to its simple implementation and no
> need for padding.
> - Added LargePositiveInteger>>#destroy to permit
> wiping of keys from the image at proper times.
> For Cryptography-ElGamal
> - Now using SecureRandom instead of (insecure) Random.
> For Cryptography-Tests
> - The ElGamal cryptography tests let us down in terms
> of testing for practical usage.  They were using
> 15-bit keys which totally obscured the problem with
> the Random, which could not even generate numbers
> large enough for the primes associated with 2048-bit
> asymmetric keys (not to mention 1024 and 512!).
> Therefore, I upgraded the tests to use 384
> (generated), 512, 1024, 2048 bit ElGamal keys.  The
> 2048-bit took 10 hours (!!) to generate, so I
> instantiate with its #storeString so that the tests
> run quickly.
> - Also beefed up the associated DiffieHellman test to
> use 384 bit keys (probably should test these with the
> same key sizes as ElGamel).
> - Because of the enhanced tests, there are more
> methods, so I recategorized according to what they are
> testing; "ElGamal", "DSA", "RSA", etc.  However, I'm
> beginning to think we should move these tests to their
> individual packages of what they're testing.  What
> does everyone else think?
> That's all for now, I hope you like it..!
>  - Chris
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