Bluetooth connections?

Have a good one; take it, light.

Sent from Callisto House :: decentralized homeless solutions

On Tue, Aug 30, 2022 at 21:38, Robert <> wrote:
I was thinking about the crypto plugins. Would passing a full block of data into the plugins and let the plugin do the chunking, would that perform better? What about putting that on top of libsodium I think
It’s called, is it cross-platform? Would anyone have interest in tackling some of these elliptical-curve based algorithms ? That would be an advantage to a libsodium port. What we gonna do as a Cryptography team, solely in squeak, as that other performance moved away from ensuring it loaded and ran there. Is it to die on the Vine (the object in RemotePromises that holds a reference to an object Bob as he’s ephemerally passed to Amy on another machine) the introduction method of giving clients capabilities to have. Potentially leaky. Best to have tight control over the spreading of SqCaps.

I think the answer is to bake the naming service and secure login into the ParrotTalk v3.8 protocol. As well, to ensure a no-man-in-middle attacks through shared third-party servers, doubly encrypt a pair of connections that link in a multitude of bridging servers. In this way, clients can anonymously login from behind any firewall to a tree-based distributed naming server. Then friend connections happen as presence is made known. Amy says hi to Bob and the naming service chooses a locally registered (cached?) bridging service, and tells Amy and Bob to hook up on Bridge number 9 under cryptographic call# (valid). The V3.8 protocol ought have ASN1 Messages to connect to Bridge ##9 and connect through the call#. However the link passes traffic back and forth between Amy and Bob. But it is in the clear in cross-transmission. So we have to handshake over the link and double-encrypt the channel. So v3.8 protocol is only usable by registered users of the network. Cha-Ching!

Other thoughts are to make a multiport listener and drop a SPADS Operation onto each connection that pops up. Listen on 443, 943, any other many ports, concurrently. Do a Kafka, Hadoop, Cassandra, … move and have replicas of encrypted channels. Broadcast comms multipath. The objective is to build a fault-tolerant system that can handle concerted DDOS attacks and cut through it like butter as long as sockets can be used. Can they be created? That’s a different question.

Anyhow, these are some of my thoughts where I’d like to take ParrotTalk.

Please share your thoughts! 

Have a good one; keep it, light.
 .  ..   …    ‘…^,^

Sent from Callisto House :: decentralized homeless solutions

On Tue, Aug 30, 2022 at 14:28, Robert <> wrote:
Yes, me too! The protocol state machines are still broken, having tried to separate out the protocol negation messages / states / events / actions. I’ll repair that next.

SSL needs broken into SSL 1.0 operations and TLS 1.2 operations. And made functional in thunk stack framework. SSH needs ported entirely to think stack. So they need work.  TLS 1.3 ( the latest ) needs Elliptical DH, which we do not have.


Have a good one; take it, light.

Sent from Callisto House :: decentralized homeless solutions

On Tue, Aug 30, 2022 at 14:23, Ron Teitelbaum <> wrote:
Hi Rob,

So glad you are doing well. Looking forward to seeing the results of all your hard work. Good luck with it!

Keep it light :)


On Tue, Aug 30, 2022, 2:02 PM Robert <> wrote:
I am doing incredibly well. I finally opened up Squeak to work on this. I got those ParrotTalk frame probes working properly and tested. Now to test the actual selection…

Have a good one; take it, light.

Sent from Callisto House :: decentralized homeless solutions

On Tue, Aug 30, 2022 at 13:54, Ron Teitelbaum <> wrote:
That sounds very cool Robert!

Hope you are doing well!


On Tue, Aug 30, 2022 at 9:11 AM Robert <> wrote:
Currently installing ParrotTalk Protocol Selector (negotiation) and ParrotTalk V36, V37 & V38 FrameProbes.

SSL 1.0, TLS 1.2 & SSH forthcoming. TLS 1.3? Need EDH.

Have a good one; take it, light.

Sent from Callisto House :: decentralized homeless solutions

On Tue, Aug 30, 2022 at 08:46, Robert Withers <> wrote:
I have started shaping my new SPADS server, the
SecureProtocolAnalysisDetetectionSelection server. I have the
ProbingFrameBuffer using frame probes to analyze, detect and select the
operations for the discovered protocol. This SPADS server can come
online with all available functional protocols installed and probing
incoming traffic to detect and select the appropriate secure handshake
protocol based on the initial frame arriving. Then proceed with that
handshake to establish a secure connection.

Currently non-functional and non-tested. I like to mold the clay before
making it sound.

Get it working; get it working right; get it working fast. It is not yet
working, but it is molding well.


take it, light,

. .. ... '...^,^

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