
Would it be possible to have a tile that instead of "Handing me a sketch," allows me to set a player or graphic variable to the sketch? Perhaps, "Graphic under"


On Sat, Jul 23, 2011 at 1:03 AM, K. K. Subramaniam <> wrote:
On Saturday 23 Jul 2011 10:06:05 AM Steve Thomas wrote:
> Thanks this is a lot of fun and useful. So I tried to use it for fractions
> (although I really like your art work project at Ofset
> <>better, but I am
> thinking about fractions lately)
Art and Math are not treated differently (at least in ancient India). Art is
just high level maths. I wrote the patch to help Susanne Guyader, an 80+ year
old artist who used Squeak/Etoys to guide art teachers in France. She deserves
all the credit for the Art and Squeak project.

> I used the "do menu item | stencil a sketch" scripting tile in a "Mouse
> Down" script.  The rectangle then moves forward by its width.   So with a
> series of successive clicks you can make a fraction.
Exactly! Stencils allow children to explore the math behind the patterns. It
is difficult for them to perceive the difference between 1/8 and 3/8 without
visual aids in the beginning. Unlike charts, Etoys is interactive. Unlike
paper or cardboard, it allows children to repeat any number of times without
