On Tue, Oct 11, 2011 at 1:32 PM, karl ramberg <karlramberg@gmail.com> wrote:
I also would like to integrate Skeleton in Etoys sometime.
It's a nice tool and give many new ways to make animation etc.

I have not looked at the code at all.

Is the license ok ?

Mmmm... I didn't look but we might have a problem because it seems to be SqueakL. That's not acceptable, right?


There is not much documentation as far as I know.

We could add it and gradually expose it as it get documented and
tested for bugs etc.


On Tue, Oct 11, 2011 at 4:20 PM, Bert Freudenberg <bert@freudenbergs.de> wrote:
> On 11.10.2011, at 14:34, Ricardo Moran wrote:
>> Hi,
>> The squeak list is currently discussing about a spreadsheet morph, and that just reminded me about how cool is Skeleton actually. So I'm wondering why it is not in Etoys? I found an old discussion stating that it could be a nice extension to Etoys but the biggest issue being the slow loading of external code. I have to agree with that being a problem but I think we might reconsider just include it in the image as with Dr Geo.
>> I know we already have a bloated image full of half finished projects but from what I briefly tested Skeleton seems to work out of the box. And it doesn't add a *huge* amount of new code. See this simple comparison with DrGeo:
>> (PackageInfo named: 'Skeleton') systemCategories size. 2
>> (PackageInfo named: 'Skeleton') classes size. 38
>> (PackageInfo named: 'Skeleton') methods size. 654
>> (PackageInfo named: 'Skeleton') linesOfCode. 4765
>> (PackageInfo named: 'DrGeoII') systemCategories size. 10
>> (PackageInfo named: 'DrGeoII') classes size. 214
>> (PackageInfo named: 'DrGeoII') methods size.  1863
>> (PackageInfo named: 'DrGeoII') linesOfCode.  17154
>> Another issue, I guess, is that if Skeleton gets included someone will have to maintain it, but from what I've seen the latest version dates from 2006 and it still works today. So maybe it won't be that big of an issue.
>> Anyway, if you want to test it: http://www.languagegame.org:8080/ggame/11.
>> Cheers,
>> Richo
> How does it compare to the data table thing you did in your GSoC project? Would be nice to have only one, not two table-like objects.
> - Bert -
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