No, I'm not talking about the translation of the activity, but the translation of the etoys projects (.pr) which come loaded on the XO laptops, and we are trying to do it just using etoys (opening a visor on the text objects and modifying them).


On Sat, Feb 9, 2008 at 2:15 AM, Yoshiki Ohshima <> wrote:

> We have started to translate the projects loaded on the XO for the Uruguayan deployment.
> We have found that, when we try to put an acute (like í) editing the text from the visor, they just don't work: On the
> textbox, it appears as a square, and in the workspace as a space.
> The problem happens in the moment you press the acute key (it doesn't wait until you press the next key).
> The keyboard is set up as LANG="es_AR.UTF-8", XKB_LAYOUT="es"

 Sorry but what is the visor?  What is the textbox?  Are you trying
to provide translation on

-- Yoshiki
Etoys mailing list

Pablo Flores