OK if we forget the OpenGl thing..
if Croquet people release a 2d version of Croquet.. i think there is a project called Tin Lizzie, that uses 2d graphics...
how easy it is , to install a croquet imge, like etoyz image into sugar? like a separate activity...

i read that e-toys image has a little sugar glue code, ..
what can i do to run croquet image inside sugar, or inside e-toys?

Thanx in advance..
with regards,
 Alex Asimakopoulos

O/H Jeffrey Kesselman έγραψε:

Im new at the OLPC but i know enough about graphics to comfortably
answer your question.

The problem is a lot more fundamental then just a missing library.

OpenGL, the way it is used today,  is an interface to 3D rendering
hardware.  To my knowledge OLPC has no such hardware inside it.  It
has basic 2D graphics only.

While it is *possible* to do OpenGl in software, such "sioftware
drivers" are very processor intensive and the OLPC is designed to be
inexpensive to build and run a long time on a charge-- both of these
mean that it has to have a much less powerful processor then today's
laptops or desktops.

The short version of this is simple that the OLPC isn't capable of 3D
rendering.  And thats the sum total.

Now, if you were to write a new 2D graphics engine that used the
croquet protocol, that might be doable.  Maybe.

On Dec 21, 2007 5:30 PM, Alex Asimakopoulos <asimak@csd.auth.gr> wrote:
Hello,  i am currently studying on Croquet platform and OLPC-XO laptop.

I would like to ask you , if there is a way for Croquet and OLPC-XO (or
e-toys activity inside it) to be together.
Both Croquet and OLPC activity "e-toys" rely on Squeak VM, but in etoys'
Squeak VM there is NO OpenGL 3D Graphics Support. [it is a parameter in
Squeak.ini file].

Could it be imported into  e-toys such a big project like Croquet?
is there any way of doing this? Sharing the same VM..
Or by creating a separate activity, like e-toys image and importing it
into Sugar?

i am asking this because the base platform is Squeak Vm and there must
be some way of the two platforms integrate into one.

hope i am not confusing you...
thanx in advance for your answers...

with regards,
Alex Asimakopoulos
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

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