I didn't mean to say WebClient was limited. The truth of the situation is that I built things around the examples you put into WebServer examples, which depend on #default and #reset. You do say in #default that it's mainly their to facilitate the examples. But as I haven't looked at my own code for several months, it was easier to jump to Kom.

"Not sure what you mean. Do you mean you'd like to have one WebServer
instance listening on multiple ports? What would be the use case for this?
This would be simple to add, I just hadn't considered it."

No, I can't think of an situation, where that would be useful. Processes listening on different ports, as you showed here:

"wc8080 := WebServer new listenOn: 8080.
 wc8888 := WebServer new listenOn: 8888."

is what I meant. And clearly WebClient can do that. I think I've been using WebClient in a certain way, where all roads lead to the class variable Default, and could not see it otherwise. Thank you for the example.
