On Tue, Jan 7, 2014 at 2:28 PM, Frank Shearar <frank.shearar@gmail.com> wrote:
 I notice for starters that you #zapMVCProjects _after_ unloading ST80.
Did you move that specifically, or was that just happenstance from
folding #unloadReloadablePackages into the shrink script?

No, I think the zapping happens while ST80 is still there. I moved the list of packages to unload to the top, but left the actual unloading in place.
Regarding this guy:

  names do: [:pkgName | (PackageInfo named: pkgName) classes do: [:ea
| ea unload]].
  names do: [:pkgName | Installer mc unload: pkgName].

That's pretty much what I was thinking of doing inside MC's
#basicLoad. I hesitated because it involves sending #unload twice to
every class, and doubted whether general implementations of #unload
were idempotent.

But I guess it must have worked out OK for you during the script?

It seems to. But I thought the problem was that #unload has no effect, because the method has been removed by the time message is sent, and we fall back to the superclass noop. I originally had one loop the first sent #unload to all classes, than unloaded the package, but I found that was more sensitive to the order of the package names. The unload method would fail because it depended on something that's already gone. Two loops seems more robust. 

I'm still working on it—down to about 10MB now. Will post again when I declare victory.
