I'm interested in leading this team.  I think this could be a useful service to the community.  If folks are agreeable to me leading the team, I'll probably start out by:
- Talking to folks that have expressed interest in how the community governs itself
- Looking at how Debian and Apache do things
- Talk to the active teams / groups within Squeak about how they'd like to be represented by the Election Team when a vacancy appears on the board
- Keeping notes as I go on my Squeak People weblog

I think the model proposed by the board is a good place to start, BTW.  Bootstrapping self-governance is going to take time and it's probably best to start out simple and loosely defined.

I'll be headed out of town for vacation for the next week or so, and probably won't be online.  I'll be back on the 17th and will check squeak-dev to see if you all have given me a thumbs-up or not :)   Also I'm generally on #squeak during 9-5 EST as "smakbo", if folks want to chat with me about this.
