I get something else. First I get 3 requests for my initials and the following tests show up as *failures*:


If I enter my initials and rerun the tests, I get 1 *error*:

MessageNotUnderstood: MCMockClassA>>one
31 October 2013 8:41:26.694 am

VM: Mac OS - Smalltalk
Image: Squeak4.5 [latest update: #13156]

SecurityManager state:
Restricted: false
FileAccess: true
SocketAccess: true
Working Dir /Users/bob/squeak/SECOG
Trusted Dir /foobar/tooBar/forSqueak/bogus/
Untrusted Dir /Users/bob/Library/Preferences/Squeak/Internet/Untrusted

MCMockClassA(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #one
    Receiver: a MCMockClassA
    Arguments and temporary variables:
        aMessage:     one
        exception:     MessageNotUnderstood: MCMockClassA>>one
        resumeValue:     nil
    Receiver's instance variables:
        ivar:     nil

    Receiver: MCMethodDefinitionTest>>#testLoadAndUnload
    Arguments and temporary variables:
        definition:     a MCMethodDefinition(MCMockClassA>>one)
    Receiver's instance variables:
        testSelector:     #testLoadAndUnload
        timeout:     nil
        navigation:     a SystemNavigation
        isModified:     false
        overrideTimestamp:     'eem 10/9/2010 17:15'


On 10/31/13 8:12 AM, Frank Shearar wrote:
I can run the Monticello tests through the TestRunner, where I have
three failures:

MCEnvironmentLoadTest >> #testLoadIntoEnvironment fails, as it should
(because noone's implemented the backing behaviour yet).

MCWorkingCopyTest >> #testInfoProxy sometimes passes, and sometimes fails.

Lastly, MCClassDefinitionTest >> #testLoadAndUnload fails with
"RemoteString past end of file"

Bob, is that what you see?


On 31 October 2013 10:09, Bob Arning <arning315@comcast.net> wrote:
FWIW, I just tried to run MCMethodDefinitionTest in an updated image and it
popped up 3 requests for my initials and failed 3 tests.


On 10/31/13 5:20 AM, Frank Shearar wrote:

On 30 October 2013 23:15, Frank Shearar <frank.shearar@gmail.com> wrote:

http://build.squeak.org/job/SqueakTrunk/574/console shows a typical
failure in CI at the moment. The relevant output is:

2013-10-30T22:17:00.132+01:00: Running tests for Tests...
!!! Killed command 0 for exceeding allotted time: nice
-vm-sound-null -vm-display-null
spawning command 1 with timeout 600 seconds: nice
-vm-sound-null -vm-display-null

2013-10-30T23:01:41.404+01:00: Running tests for ToolBuilder-Kernel...

Note that the "!!!" line happens because the running of the full test
suite took OVER 40 MINUTES. My crummy little laptop chewed through the
test suite in 10 minutes.

So: on Windows 8 I cannot reproduce the problem. Would someone with a
Linux machine please try run the full suite of tests? I strongly
suspect we have a dialog popping up, but only on Linux.

I can reproduce the issue with a Cog on Ubuntu. There's no modal
dialog. If I cmd-., I can see that MCMethodDefinitionTest is running.
It looks like it's looping forever in MCMockPackageInfo >>

    [position notNil & file notNil]
        [file position: (0 max: position-150).  "Skip back to before
the preamble"
        [file position < (position-1)]  "then pick it up from the front"
            whileTrue: [chunk := file nextChunk].

