On 10/31/06, goran@krampe.se <goran@krampe.se> wrote:
Hi folks!

PS. I am kinda tired of the fact that hardly any change can be proposed
in this community without having tons of arguments raised against it.
Sure, this particular case is harder to judge - but the fact remains,
how can we keep all the Juans out there interested if they only meet
resistance when offering their time and energy? Sure, the medicine does
not taste good - dumping eToys hurts, I know that. But this problem is
generic. And no, don't bother replying to me specifically about this
because I don't have the energy to discuss anything right now.

Hi Goran, I know that you don't want to continue this, and that you don't want anyone to reply but anyways  :)

I think that we should stop trying to try to reach concensus on these things. Lets allow to have multiple squeak-dev images, don't make any one official, just make all equally public with good descriptions and be done with it.  My 0.02 cents
