Hi Jaromir, Hi All,

    in trying to pass the exception raising an error to the debugger (so that it can highlight the relevant return expression) I'm running into the clumsy plumbing from errors to debuggers, i.e. debugProcess:context:label:contents:fullView:, debugWithTitle:full:contents:, debugException:, debugContext:title:full:contents: et al.

I think we urgently need to do to this interface what Colin Putney did to the compiler, introducing CompilerCue to hold all the state, including optional state, for a compilation invocation.  We need ErrorHandlerCue, or DebuggerCue, or some such. It can take all the parameters of the above, plus any extras we want to add, and then we can reduce the above selectors to

    handleErrorCue: anErrorCue or handleDebuggerCue: aDebuggerCue

and then easily add additional state, such as the exception, to handlers such as the debugger.

Anybody willing to pick up that bucket of whitewash and paint the fence?
best, Eliot