Bah, it's a bit more complex than that, because we already pass lastIndex-1 to sub-level:

        flushNeeded := self deflateBlock: lastIndex-1
                            chainLength: self hashChainLength
                            goodMatch: self goodMatchLength.

It's more that we need MinMatch bytes to insert the string following the best match...
(confirmed by comment near the end of C version
So in case of longest match (MaxMatch), we will access the zipCollection up to:

    here + MaxMatch - 1 + MinMatch - 1 (0 based)

where here is up to lastIndex-1 (the lastIndex of deflateBlock above)

So the expectation is:

   lastIndex - 1 + MaxMatch - 1 + MinMatch - 1 < writeLimit

Since MinMatch = 3, the expectation is correctly:

    lastIndex + MaxMatch < writeLimit.

And that means that lastIndex can be up to writeLimit - MaxMatch - 1.

I'm confident that my analysis is correct, and will thus push the correction ASAP.

BTW, I've found the offending file back: it's while extracting snapshot.bin from the archive

2017-03-31 23:05 GMT+02:00 Nicolas Cellier <>:
I believe that the problem lies in DeflateStream>>deflateBlock

Especially the lines that compute lastIndex:

    [blockPosition < position] whileTrue:[
        (position + MaxMatch > writeLimit)
            ifTrue:[lastIndex := writeLimit - MaxMatch]
            ifFalse:[lastIndex := position].

Because the expectations below is:
deflateBlock: lastIndex chainLength: chainLength goodMatch: goodMatch
    "Continue deflating the receiver's collection from blockPosition to lastIndex.
    Note that lastIndex must be at least MaxMatch away from the end of collection"

And because lastIndex and position are 0 based.
While writeLimit is a size (65536).

I think that the code should rather be:

    [blockPosition < position] whileTrue:[
        (position + MaxMatch + 1 > writeLimit)
            ifTrue:[lastIndex := writeLimit - MaxMatch - 1]
            ifFalse:[lastIndex := position].

My failing example pass with above patch.
I'm about to commit it.
Before I do so, are there some extensive tests for zlib?

2017-03-31 21:13 GMT+02:00 Nicolas Cellier <>:
some remember that from time to time, especially when the ZipPlugin is disabled, the DeflateStream fallback code is failing with a 'subscript is out of bounds: 65537'

I have a reproducible example with quite a large file

    | zip file |
    zip := (FileStream fileNamed: 'snapshot.bin.gz') binary contentsOfEntireFile asString.
    file := zip unzipped.
    file zipped unzipped = file

which gives me:


When the plugin is enabled, the example works.
So I've been tracking the differences between DeflatePlugin and DeflateStream fallback code for some times without success.

What if I add a bound check in the DeflatePlugin?
Then the plugin equally fails. I mean it reads past zipCollection bounds.

So there's something bad in the implementation.
Why does the example seem to work is still mysterious to me.