You can try reading, which tells how to create a Monticello SLICE for more than one package.  Even I managed to figure it out from the description, so I think it should help you out!


On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 12:24 AM, Ralph Boland <> wrote:
I am trying to port my project from Squeak 3.8.1 to Squeak3.10.2
I have run into a number of problems.
First, I am not using Monticello.  I just file out my packages and then
file them into the new image.  Part of the reason I do this is because
I need to add new variables to some classes
(Character (class vars), SmaCCParser, and SmaCCScanner)
and part of the reason is because I need to
provide instructions of the form file in this package, add these instance
variables, file in this package or maybe that package etc.
For now I can just package everything
including load instructions into a tar file.

Anyway, the first few packages file in fine.
Then package appears to file in fine
but when as I open a class browser the browser
has two rectanges overlayed on top of it.
They are each about  3cm x 7cm  and blue.
They move with the browser when you move it making the
browser (and the image) unusable.

I tried filing in one class category at a time.  This works
(the blue rectangles go away) but there are a few errors because
the  class category files contain methods from packages that I have
not filed in yet.  I could file these in separately but I got clever instead
and used Monticello.
Except Monticello didn't work either.

First I open the package-cache directory from Monticello.
Then I click on 4NeufsBase.
Then I select 4NeufsBase.rpb.1.mcz.

Then I get an error in method UTF8TextConverter>>nextFromStream:
errorMalformedInput.  on line:

  "unicode isNil ifTrue: [^self errorMalformedInput]."

In the method  character1 has value 152.
                        character2 has value 169.
                        character3 has value $}.
                        character4 has value nil.

I suppose I could create a bug report but I need 30,000 lines of
code to reproduce the bug.  And this code is not ready for release
so I don't really want to release it yet.

Anyway,  I could continue by filing in the missing code from 4NeufsBase
(code in cagetories marked with a * and using classes not yet filed in)
after I file in the remaining packages but running into these bugs
has made me weary of upgrading to 3.10.2.
Perhaps I should only upgrade to 3.9 or not upgrade at all.

Comments welcome and if there is anything I can do to help track
down these bugs let me know.

Also, when I finally release my project,
I intend to use Monticello so I need to know:
where is  the standard place to put instructions on how to
file in multiple packages to load a project using Monticello?

Ralph Boland