I’m looking forward to this. 
Yesterday, in a process of debugging my systemd experiments [1], I compiled an interpreter vm. I mention this, because you are talking about making the process easy. David T. Lewis made a fire-and-forget script that is the easiest way I’ve seen so far to compile a vm on Linux. [2] I’m looking forward to CMake classes for building a Squeak vm.. 


[1] http://lists.squeakfoundation.org/pipermail/squeak-dev/2014-July/179015.html
[2] http://lists.squeakfoundation.org/pipermail/squeak-dev/2012-October/166038.html
It didn’t seem to compile an X11 plugin, so I copied one from an earlier build. And I had to pull the no-sound plugin from out of its folder, so the vm could find it. The squeak.sh script wasn’t working.

On Dec 17, 2014, at 8:05 AM, gettimothy <gettimothy@zoho.com> wrote:

Hi Tim.

>>We can try; and a written explanation intended for someone that hasn’t used it before is a pretty good exercise in testing that it actually works. 

HelpBrowser openOn: CMakeVMMakerSqueakStartHereHelp                                         <--done. Gives an example workflow for generating a CMake build tree and compiling the VM.
HelpBrowser openOn: CMakeVMMakerSqueakStepByStepNewConfigurationHelp            <--first draft almost done, should get you to the point where its a matter of setting CFlags, Libs, Definitions etc, for your Platform and then buildType.

Top menu->Help->CMakeVMMakerHelp includes the above and other help work I will be editing. 

My goal is that a complete newbie can follow the instructions and be able to get an entire VM producing image and compile the thing just by following help starting with a bash shell script that downloads and configures an image for VM production followed by what you will be working with above.

Feedback from you (and others) on using the thing will be incorporated into that.

I would start with the StarHereHelp and just generate a cmake tree using the example Builder and Configuration.

Once you have generated the CMake tree, the (too verbose, first-draft) NewConfigurationHelp in your case boils down to copying an existing configuration and making some minor modifications to it.

Please note that I have only built out the #build buildType--I will be building out the build.assert, build.debug, etc....buildTypes when the Help is done and I have resolved  NoDbgRegParms issue on my platform for those buildTypes.

