Sounds interesting!

On 2023-06-25T12:32:04-07:00, wrote:

> Hi Florin,
> > On Jun 24, 2023, at 7:38 AM, Florin Mateoc <florin.mateoc(a)> wrote:
> >
> >
> > Hi all,
> >
> > It took a while - and I am not talking about how long I have worked on it (especially in calendar years), but since I first mentioned it on this list, or even since I presented it at the UK meetup - but now it's finally here:
> Bravo!! Can you say something about performance re SqueakJS and trunk Spur?

I would be interested in that, too. Does it have practical performance in the browser? Are you having any concrete applications for JsSqueak?

> Also, can you sketch how do you deal with each of
> - thisContext, thisContext sender et al…
> - processes
> - non-local return and unwind-protect
> - exception handling
> ?

I found something in

> AdvThanksance
> > If you want to try it out and are facing difficulties following the brief instructions on the project's web page, please let me know, hopefully this will lead to better instructions
> >
> > Thank you and have fun!
> >
> > Florin
> Eliot,
> _,,,^..^,,,_ (phone)
