Hi Levente.

I also wonder why you used #objectClass: there instead of #class in the
previous version. Perhaps there was a good reason.

Maybe because of ProtoObject (and proxies)? I think the long-term plan was to not treat #class as a special send anymore so that proxies can override that interface.


Am 28.01.2021 13:46:12 schrieb Levente Uzonyi <leves@caesar.elte.hu>:

Hi Eliot,

On Wed, 27 Jan 2021, commits@source.squeak.org wrote:

> Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of Kernel to project The Trunk:
> http://source.squeak.org/trunk/Kernel-eem.1366.mcz
> ==================== Summary ====================
> Name: Kernel-eem.1366
> Author: eem
> Time: 26 January 2021, 4:27:57.204259 pm
> UUID: 3a706d32-c2d6-416f-82c1-bbf735650385
> Ancestors: Kernel-eem.1365
> Slightly faster implementation of Context>>#isPrimFailToken:.
> Improve the comments in Context>>#isHandlerContext/#isUnwindContext.
> Nuke an obsolete method.
> =============== Diff against Kernel-eem.1365 ===============
> Item was changed:
> ----- Method: Context>>isHandlerContext (in category 'private-exceptions') -----
> isHandlerContext
> + "Answer if the receiver is for a method that is marked as an exception handler.
> + BlockClosure>>#on:do: uses this primitive to identify itself to the VM
> + as an exception handler method, which the VM uses in primitive 197
> + Context>>#findNextHandlerContextStarting, primitiveFindHandlerContext,
> + to accelerate the search for exception handlers."
> - "is this context for method that is marked?"
> ^method primitive = 199!
> Item was changed:
> ----- Method: Context>>isPrimFailToken: (in category 'private') -----
> isPrimFailToken: anObject
> + ^(self objectClass: anObject) isArray
> - ^(self objectClass: anObject) == Array

I think you meant to write

^(anObject isArray

I also wonder why you used #objectClass: there instead of #class in the
previous version. Perhaps there was a good reason.


> and: [anObject size = 2
> + and: [(anObject at: 1) == PrimitiveFailToken]]!
> - and: [anObject first == PrimitiveFailToken]]!
> Item was changed:
> ----- Method: Context>>isUnwindContext (in category 'private-exceptions') -----
> isUnwindContext
> + "Answer if the receiver is for a method that is marked as a non-local return/exception unwind protect.
> + BlockClosure>>#ensure: and BlockClosure>>#ifCurtailed: use this primitive to identify
> + themseves to the VM as unwind protect methods. The VM uses this in primitive 195
> + Context>>#findNextUnwindContextUpTo:, primitiveFindNextUnwindContext, to
> + accelerate the search for unwind protects."
> - "is this context for method that is marked?"
> ^method primitive = 198!
> Item was removed:
> - ----- Method: Context>>tryPrimitiveFor:receiver:args: (in category 'private') -----
> - tryPrimitiveFor: method receiver: receiver args: arguments
> - "If this method has a primitive index, then run the primitive and return its result.
> - Otherwise (and also if the primitive fails) return PrimitiveFailToken,
> - as an indication that the method should be activated and run as bytecodes."
> - | primIndex |
> - (primIndex := method primitive) = 0 ifTrue: [^{PrimitiveFailToken. nil}].
> - ^ self doPrimitive: primIndex method: method receiver: receiver args: arguments!