On 23/04/06, Markus Gaelli <gaelli@emergent.de> wrote:

I also think it is important not to end up with a plethora of lists,
so my suggestion is to reuse squeakland for also posing and answering
basic smalltalk questions.
- Kim, would it be ok to ask smalltalk questions on squeakland?
I think one factor of the success of the french squeak list, is that
it focuses on education, be it with etoys or smalltalk.

I actually think it would be a bad  idea  to mix using etoys questions with finding your way in the class browser (not the same thing, not the same targeted audience).

Concerning the french Squeak-list, which is a good list, if you look closely you won't see a lot people actually *learning* smalltalk : giving example of problem they have with their code, asking for help, etc.

For the moment the Squeak lists reflect its community state.
Apart from Squeakland  (for etoys), Squeak is  orientated  research/hackers which is OK   but I believe it *needs" students/teachers/people *learning* Squeak to produce useful tools-apps (not mainly research ones)

If Squeak-Smalltalk doesn't succeed in that it will *always* stay a platform for researchers/hackers. This is not bad obviously, it's just a question of choice.


