Hi All,

Time is almost up.  

* Now until Monday 6th of February 3 PM (20.00 UTC): Nominations of SOB members and campaigning!

If you are going to run it's time to announce your candidacy!  

Please rush to your nearest electronic device and send an electronic mail to squeak-dev!  It's not too late!  (not yet)

We currently have 9 candidates for 7 board seats!  Thank you to everyone that is running for the board!  You are the heart and soul of our community, and even if you don't win you are showing real commitment!  

Tim Rowledge
Jecel Assumpcao Jr.
Bert Freudenberg
David T. Lewis
Marcel Taeumel
Edgar De Cleene
Nicolas Cellier
Levente Uzonyi
Craig Latta

All the best,

Ron Teitelbaum  

On Sun, Feb 5, 2017 at 6:06 PM, Craig Latta <craig@blackpagedigital.com> wrote:

Hi all--

     I'm up for it.

     I'm an entrepreneur using Squeak for a diverse set of clients.
There are techies who already share our passion for livecoding,
inventors pursuing ideas however they might work, and learners who want
to see what's possible.

     I meet all these kinds of people at hackathons[1], and I want to
inspire them to use Squeak at those events. Continuing on the board, I'd
focus on first impressions of Squeak, working with teams to make our
system startup, documentation, and composition more accessible. I plan
to continue my work with native and JS Squeak interoperation,
modularity, and minimalism. You can read more on my blog[2].

     Let's show off. :)



[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hackathon
[2] http://thiscontext.com

Craig Latta
Black Page Digital
Amsterdam :: San Francisco
+31 6 2757 7177 (SMS ok)
+ 1 415 287 3547 (no SMS)