'From FunSqueak3.10alpha of 19 November 2007 [latest update: #1] on 4 December 2007 at 4:08:49 pm'! !ObjectsTool methodsFor: 'categories' stamp: 'edc 12/4/2007 15:34'! showCategory: aCategoryName fromButton: aButton "Project items from the given category into my lower pane" | quads | "self partsBin removeAllMorphs. IMHO is redundant, " Cursor wait showWhile: [quads := OrderedCollection new. Morph withAllSubclasses do: [:aClass | aClass theNonMetaClass addPartsDescriptorQuadsTo: quads if: [:aDescription | aDescription translatedCategories includes: aCategoryName]]. quads := quads asSortedCollection: [:q1 :q2 | q1 third <= q2 third]. self installQuads: quads fromButton: aButton]! ! !PartsBin methodsFor: '*BabySRE-connectors-initialization' stamp: 'edc 12/4/2007 16:01'! listDirection: aListDirection quadList: quadList buttonClass: buttonClass "Initialize the receiver to run horizontally or vertically, obtaining its elements from the list of tuples of the form: (