On Sat, Feb 7, 2009 at 6:22 PM, Aidan Gauland <wgsilkie@ihug.co.nz> wrote:
Giuseppe Luigi Punzi <glpunzi <at> lordzealon.com> writes:
> We have elections soon.
> I'ts time to think about the project. What we search? What new
> developers search?

For me, the biggest problem with Sqeuak at the moment is its lack of class and
method comments (but not every method needs an overview comment).  I would like
to say to all developers of the uncommented system classes: "Will you please go
back and comment, all the methods and classes you wrote, but failed to
document!"  And I know I'm not the only one who feels this way.  Hold back on
new features for just a minute, and give what we already have a quick polish.
I've wasted many hours trying to puzzle out how to use complex yet undocumented
methods (some weren't even documented on the Squeak Swiki).  The basic
collection classes, and the core system classes are well commented.


P.S No hard feelings, just some frustration.  Sqeuak is a great development
system, and seems to keep getting better.

What would be extremely useful (to me at least) is to provide example usage for some of the more cryptic and difficult classes. The person writing them has the best understanding and probably had to test things out anyway. So why not just publish that code in the class comment? For example...

I've been struggling for 2 days trying to get a TCP client socket dialog with a telnet server. In VisualWorks, I would do something like:

wire := (  SocketAccessor newTCPclientToHost: 'telnetHostname' port: 23 ) readAppendStream.

I can then use: 

wire throughAll


wire nextPutAll:

among other stream methods, to handle the communication.

I do notice the SocketStream has a HTTP example, but I don't think SocketStream is for TCP (I could be wrong, but there is no documentation either way).

I haven't figured it out yet in Squeak. I thought I could do something like this:

wire := SocketStream openConnectionToHostNamed: 'telnetHostname' port: 23.

and then use

wire upToAll:


wire nextPutAll:

but this just 'hangs' and I have to alt+. to abandon the process.

Is this even possible in Squeak? Or do I have to load something else into the image?

Sockets are very hard to debug and I don't want to have to use the Socket class. That is way too low level for me. The purpose of Smalltalk is to make things easy, no? ;-)

Daniel Klein

"You do not really understand something
unless you can explain it to your grandmother."
                -- Albert Einstein.