���'From MinimalMorphic of 8 December 2006 [latest update: #7269] on 1 August 2010 at 7:29:56 am'! !CompiledMethod methodsFor: 'printing' stamp: 'edc 10/6/2008 09:54'! author self timeStamp isEmpty ifFalse: [^self timeStamp substrings first] ifTrue:[^'unknown'] ! ! !Utilities class methodsFor: 'identification' stamp: 'edc 10/6/2008 09:58'! methodsWithInitials: targetInitials inClass: aClass "Based on a do-it contributed to the Squeak mailing list by G��������ran Hultgen: Browse methods whose initials (in the time-stamp, as logged to disk) match the given initials. Print out the complete time-stamp table to the Transcript. Answer a list of (initials -> count) associations. CAUTION: It may take several minutes for this to complete." "Time millisecondsToRun: [Utilities methodsWithInitials: 'bf']" | methodList methodListClass | methodList := aClass methodDict select:[:cm| cm author = targetInitials]. methodListClass := aClass class methodDict select:[:cm| cm author = targetInitials]. ^methodList,methodListClass ! ! !Utilities class methodsFor: 'identification' stamp: 'edc 4/19/2010 16:54'! methodsWithInitials: targetInitials inPackage: aPackage "Utilities methodsWithInitials: 'edc' inPackage: 'Monticello'" | methodList more| methodList := OrderedCollection new. (PackageInfo named: aPackage) classes do: [:ea | more := (Utilities methodsWithInitials: targetInitials inClass: ea). more ifNotEmpty: [methodList add: more ]]. ^ methodList! !