Hi All,


I’m happy to announce that we have 4 candidates for 7 Squeak Oversight Board seats!


Tim Rowledge

Jecel Assumpcao Jr.

Bert Freudenberg

David T. Lewis


Thank you for volunteering to run!!


We still need more candidates.  Please consider running for the Board.  If you have run before but were not elected, or if you were a previous board member maybe you will consider running again?


We really would like to have more than 7 candidates!


Talk to your friends and get them to run!  Women are born leaders!  How about encouraging our female squeak members to step up!


We are off to a good start.  There are 2 weeks left before voting starts.


All the best,


Ron Teitelbaum


From: Squeak-dev [mailto:squeak-dev-bounces@lists.squeakfoundation.org] On Behalf Of Ron Teitelbaum
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2017 12:43 PM
To: 'The general-purpose Squeak developers list'
Subject: Re: [squeak-dev] Squeak Oversight Board Election 2017


Hi All,


Well so far we are off to a blistering start!  We have 0 candidates for 7 seats. 


I would really like to encourage people to step up and run.  If you have been working with Squeak for a while and would like to help out, now is your chance!


Squeak needs you!  Please consider running for the Board! 


What does a board member do? 


They meet!  They organize teams.  They help out.  They support the community. 


Maybe it would be a good idea for someone on the board to talk about what the board has done, what issues the board is currently dealing with, and anything that might help someone understand what needs to be done this year, and what would be nice but we didn’t have resources for.  Could one of the existing board members give us a summary of or some insight into what happened during 2016?


Personally I’m a member of the news team, the elections team, and the cryptography team leader. 


On the news team we have been posting articles on news.squeak.org, tweeting out at @squeaksmalltalk, and posting to reddit and google+.  Not nearly as much as I would like.  We could use some volunteers to help!

On the elections team we have been running elections J.

On the cryptography team there has been some small amount of activity, but mostly there have been making small improvements and we split off SqueakSSL back into the main repository for squeak where it belongs. 


I’ve seen some wonderful activity on squeak-vm with the new VM’s that are being created including COG, Spur and Sista!  http://www.mirandabanda.org/cogblog/about-cog/ we saw the movement of the VM code to GIT at https://github.com/OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm and we are hearing about some great success moving to 64 bits!  Well done!


I’m very excited about the community but to keep things moving we really need a good board so please step up and volunteer to run!


All the best,


Ron Teitelbaum



From: Squeak-dev [mailto:squeak-dev-bounces@lists.squeakfoundation.org] On Behalf Of Ron Teitelbaum
Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2017 9:08 PM
To: 'The general-purpose Squeak developers list'
Subject: [squeak-dev] Squeak Oversight Board Election 2017


Hi All,


It's that time again.  Time to raise your voices and elect your leaders!  Can you believe it's been a year already? 


It's a time for you to stand up, help your community and volunteer to serve!


Squeak wants you!


Every year we elect the SOB (Squeak Oversight Board) consisting of seven members from our community. The current board members are:


1. Bert Freudenberg

2. Tim Rowledge

3. Craig Latta

4. David T. Lewis

5. Chris Muller

6. Levente Uzonyi

7. Marcel Taeumel


For more info on the board please see:




Everything about the election, including schedule and more, can be tracked here:




Now until Monday 6th of February 3PM (20.00 UTC): Nominations of SOB members and campaigning!


Candidates should nominate themselves and start their campaign on the squeak-dev mailing list. Or if you nominate someone else, make sure that person really wants to run. :) I will not put anyone on the candidate list until that person makes it known on squeak-dev that he/she intends to run.


During this period, the candidates should ideally present themselves on squeak-dev, unless they have already done so, and the community can ask questions.


I encourage you to reach out to potential candidates, people that are active in the community and represent your views, and ask them to run.  Some people will not run without encouragement.  Also I know that some people wait to the last minute to run for the board to see if others will run but please consider getting this year off to a faster start and just jump right in!




Now until Monday 6th of February 3PM (20.00 UTC): Nominations of SOB members and campaigning!

Monday 6th of February 2016 3PM (20.00 UTC): Candidate list is finalized.

Monday 6th of February 2016 4PM (21.00 UTC): Online election starts.

Tuesday 14th of February 2016 6PM (23.00 UTC): Online election ends.

Results will be announced immediately when the election ends.


The voting period is one week long and ballots are sent out via email.


And how do you end up on the voter list? See below. :)


IMPORTANT: New voters will NOT be added once the election is started.   You MUST try to get on the voter list before the 1st of February 2014 or you will NOT be able to vote.  If your Email has changed please make sure it is changed on the list of voters before the election starts. 




If you were invited to vote last year you are already on the voter list, no worries! If you are a new Squeaker and wish to vote do ONE of the following:


      * Get a "known" Squeaker to vouch for you. If a known Squeaker sends an email to voters (at) squeak.org giving me name and email for you, then I will add you.


      * Send an email to voters at squeak.org yourself (and CC to squeak-dev if you like) with information/arguments showing me that you are indeed serious about voting and that you are indeed a Squeaker.


When the voting period starts all voters will receive an email with instructions and a link to the voting website.


If there are any further questions, just reply *in this thread* and I will closely track it - or send email to voters (at) squeak.org which points to me.


...so let's get on with it!


All the best,


Ron Teitelbaum