To answer to myself, I just browsed the configuration, modified it (removed Compiler.277 then added current image Compiler.228, moved it up to its previous place), then published as update-edc.208. Same for 209.

It seems to work...


Le 31 mars 2012 22:22, Eliot Miranda <> a écrit :

On Sat, Mar 31, 2012 at 1:06 PM, Nicolas Cellier <> wrote:
update-edc.208 and update-edc.209 are broken because they use Compiler-eem.227, the one with snafu.
I swear there was a mean to download those file, modify then upload again but can find it anymore...
Any idea how we can fix that ?

I know that MonticelloConfigurations allows one to load and save over an existing configuration.  I did that today, but I only changed ordering.  I *don't* know how to change a package.  Bert, is there a way?  I guess the way should be being able to select the package in the top list, paste in a different package version in the bottom window of the config browser and accept.
