On Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 4:07 PM, Bert Freudenberg <bert@freudenbergs.de> wrote:

On 28.06.2009, at 20:53, Randal L. Schwartz wrote:

"Colin" == Colin Putney <cputney@wiresong.ca> writes:

Colin> IMHO, Squeak.org needs to either recommit to Etoys and education as its
Colin> primary mission, or break compatibility and become a general Smalltalk
Colin> platform for a variety of applications. This suggests a merger with
Colin> either Squeakland or Pharo, but even without merging, Squeak.org can
Colin> get its mojo back if it chooses an identity.

At this point, I'd be leaning back towards squeak central reintegrating Pharo,
given that Etoys already forked.

Even disregarding what the Pharo people would think about the idea, doesn't that argument go both ways? As in "given that Pharo already forked, Etoys can now be reintegrated to Squeak"?

Yes, but in my opinion, Etoys is too much "specific". Etoys is excellent, for what it is. But I don't think Squeak must be toys specific. It must be a good object oriented platform to build applications. Any of them: toys, enterprise, research, etc...

I think in this way, Pharo is much more "generic" than Etoys. Something more similar to Squeak.




- Bert -