Hi Stef,

Impressive! As an outer world person I looked through the site but didn't find any Screenshots. I'd like to see the UI you're working in, be it a lot of workspaces. My UI usually is inspectors / explorers on Objects with messages I send to them. Sometimes just some buttons placed in the World. Making a GUI often is more than doubling the effort.



Am 16.03.2021 um 18:40 schrieb Stéphane Rollandin:
Hello all,

I just finished a new piece of music entirely composed and performed within a muO image - the audio is recorded from virtual instruments fed a live MIDI output stream. This is done with a technology that does not exists elsewhere.

I know it is not the place to post (weird) music, but in the broader context of the discussion about the death of Smalltalk, I felt inclined to illustrate how for some of us it is very much alive and singing.

Here it is:

