I am using Squeak 3.7.
A few seconds after Squeak is started, I get the following message (translated):

The Window Firewall has for security reasons some functions from this Program diseable (or blocked):
The Network administrator can block this programm for you: Squeak
[ OK ]

I would like to get rid of this message (but not by accepting with OK). It seems that a service try to perform a connection to Internet. Which one ?  How to stop this request?

I tried the following method:

SystemDictionary allInstances first removeFromStartUpList: ApplicationService.
SystemDictionary allInstances first removeFromStartUpList: WAKom.
SystemDictionary allInstances first removeFromStartUpList: Celeste.
SystemDictionary allInstances first removeFromStartUpList: ComancheService.
SystemDictionary allInstances first removeFromStartUpList: AutoStart.
SystemDictionary allInstances first removeFromStartUpList: ExternalObject.
SystemDictionary allInstances first removeFromStartUpList: SecurityManager.
SystemDictionary allInstances first removeFromStartUpList: UUIDGenerator.
SystemDictionary allInstances first removeFromStartUpList: Utilities.
SystemDictionary allInstances first removeFromStartUpList: DisplayScreen.
SystemDictionary allInstances first removeFromStartUpList: Cursor.
SystemDictionary allInstances first removeFromStartUpList: InputSensor.
SystemDictionary allInstances first removeFromStartUpList: ProcessorScheduler.
SystemDictionary allInstances first removeFromStartUpList: Delay.
SystemDictionary allInstances first removeFromStartUpList: ShortRunArray.
SystemDictionary allInstances first removeFromStartUpList: ControlManager.
SystemDictionary allInstances first removeFromStartUpList: CPUWatcher.
SystemDictionary allInstances first removeFromStartUpList: FileDirectory.
SystemDictionary allInstances first removeFromStartUpList: EToyListenerMorph.
SystemDictionary allInstances first removeFromStartUpList: PowerManagement.
SystemDictionary allInstances first removeFromStartUpList: ExternalSettings.
SystemDictionary allInstances first removeFromStartUpList: ShortIntegerArray.
SystemDictionary allInstances first removeFromStartUpList: CrLfFileStream.
SystemDictionary allInstances first removeFromStartUpList: PasteUpMorph.
SystemDictionary allInstances first removeFromStartUpList: ImageSegment.
SystemDictionary allInstances first removeFromStartUpList: ProcessBrowser.
SystemDictionary allInstances first removeFromStartUpList: SmalltalkImage.
SystemDictionary allInstances first removeFromStartUpList: MenuIcons.
SystemDictionary allInstances first removeFromStartUpList: WeakArray.
SystemDictionary allInstances first removeFromStartUpList: DateAndTime.
SystemDictionary initialize.

^ (SystemDictionary allInstances first StartUpList )

I get the message a little bit later, but it didn't disappear.

Could you help me.
Thank you

Patrick Chénais

Eidgenössisches Finanzdepartement EFD
Bundesamt für Informatik und Telekommunikation BIT
Basis Produkte - eGovernment

Monbijoustrasse 74, 3003 Bern
Tel. +41 31 325 85 14

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