I just realized that the files are entirely reasonable to edit for people who do not use Emacs or Org.

I learned of a tool , Pandoc, that can covert that .md to .org for me. may be the choice for sharing/editing documentation 

But, I will need to write a PEG and actors to convert from markdown to CustomHelp.

I am going to finish the XPath work and start the SAX work before I tackle that.

I may also have to add a .gitignore on the .org files too to keep things easily in sync for the public.



---- On Thu, 30 Sep 2021 14:32:39 -0400 gettimothy <> wrote ----

Hi Folks.

While neither mature, stable nor feature complete, the DocCustomHelpToOrg and DocOrgToCustomHelp are making documentation easy.

I have a few Emacs Org files that I can import as CustomHelp and also save as markdown via the emacs org mode org-md-export-do-markdown command.

Here is one result of that markdown

Now think about this.

That custom help now exists in three places.
in my image as a CustomHelp file
and on my filesystem as an org file that is easy to edit.

This has the potential to revolutionize documentation on squeak/pharo

I will be posting another link and continuing the discussion there.