For those still following along I’d say I appreciate you, I appreciate your interest, I appreciate your consideration, I appreciate your discernment!

promise.1 now points to remote.2 and remote.1 is totally cleaned up in Carol while the 2nd message is all that is referencing remote.2 in Alice. Bob’s still waiting to be #greet:ed…

Now the 2nd message (what was it? #doYouLikeHer perhaps…) has been disgorged to Bob with the establishment of remote.4 in Alice. Shorting the promises…

Have a good one; keep it, light.
Kindly, langohr . .. … ‘…^,^ 🐇🐇🐇

Sent from Callisto House Mobile - Europa 
:: decentralized mobile homeless solutions ::

On Oct 22, 2022, at 13:31, rabbit <> wrote:

Carrying on…

In this slide we see the little #whenMoreResolved: in Carol has hit r1 and now p1 points to r2 to the message continuation in Bob. Due to r1 no longer being referenced a GCAnswer is sent to Alice to let her know r1 is no longer referenced.

I’ve just realized that my table description may be wrong…sigh. As a GCAnswer is sent for r1, then the Burgundy/Pink tables must be Questions/Answers. Answers would be Pink and outgoing ref and GCAnswer cleans that entry. I’ll take a closer look in a minute…


Ok! As the resolver for r1 is no longer referenced in Alice, a GCExport is sent to Carol to cleanup the entry in Carol’s Exports table. So Exports must be Yellow.

Yes I was all turned around. My apologies to those trying to follow. This makes much more sense semantically.

    Exports & Answers are Outz
    Imports & Questions are Inz

———- Scope tables ———-
Exports (Yellow)
Answers (Pink)
- Imports (Orange)
Questions (Burgundy)


Have a good one; keep it, light.
Kindly, langohr . .. … ‘…^,^ 🐇🐇🐇

Sent from Callisto House Mobile - Europa
:: decentralized mobile homeless solutions ::