While I find all this discussion fascinating, I would like to share a few thoughts on the idea of including Traits in mainstream Squeak.

My first concern is performance.  Since Traits carry no state, they will need to use accessor methods and message sends are clearly much slower than direct instance variable access.

My second concern is regarding how Traits should/could/would be used.  All of the examples that I have seen so far, including the refactoring of the Collection hierarchy, seem to me to be "toy" problems.  I would be interested to read about non-trivial cases where Traits would solve a significant real world problem.

It would seem to me that the kind of reuse that Traits enables is the kind that isn't apparent at design time, since individual classes of object are usually designed separately and often by completely different people.  The common behavior and opportunity for code reuse might only become apparent after the initial design is implemented.  It has been my experience that once something is implemented and working, unless there is a compelling reason to justify it, the code is never revisited.  Management is generally focused on allocating resources to things that will yield either an opportunity for increased revenues, or reduced costs, and code "cleaning" is rarely viewed as either.  If it ever gets done (code cleaning), it is usually silently piggybacked on required bug fixes by individual developers who feel it is important.  Am I in the minority here, or is this how commercial software development works in general?

I would even suggest that single inheritance doesn't get used that much in practice.  I see an awful lot of C++ where classes are root classes and implement a singleton object.  I see poly-morphism used a lot, but not much inheritance.  I also see STL used a lot to get common syntax container objects, that you get with the standard Smalltalk Collection hierarchy anyway.

So I guess I don't see what Traits gets us that we can't already do in Squeak with some judicious use of proxies, DNU and separate "behavior only" and "state only" classes using accessors for all instance variable access.  Is the real benefit in having tools that formalize this and make it easy?

Is Traits implemented by just pointing a class's method dictionary entries to the approprate seemingly class-less compiled method defined in a Trait?

I guess I don't fundamentally oppose including Traits in mainstream Squeak, as long as it's still possible to ignore it and it doesn't cause a decrease in performance for commonly used objects (i.e. the Collection hierarchy).  From what I've read in the whitepapers, it seems it should be safe and easy to ignore, so the only question I guess would be performance.

And lastly I will just say that as others (Andreas) have pointed out, maximising code reuse is not always desirable.  I can see the argument in favor of code re-use to propagate common behavior without having to find every duplicated variation, but there is also the other side of the argument where a single bug in a common, highly reused method can cause a lot of things to break that might otherwise work properly.
