My two cents on this debate:

I think it has already proven in the past that self-explaining code is more efficient for the purpose of documentation than a long manual which (almost) no one is willing to read, especially, this fact has been proven in Smalltalk. Unlike plain English, code is not a redundant structure that can become obsolete, code can be tested automatically, code can be reused, and when decorated with a proper amount of explaining comments, code can also be easier to read than a long wall of text.

In the era of IaC, we should apply the same pattern for the documentation of compile & build processes. This was also my motivation for

It could be a Dockerfile, a Vagrantfile, or maybe also a simple bash file - the main thing is to write something that can be automated in a CI. And when there are 2 times x times y build scripts, one could talk about refactoring these scripts in the same way we refactor Morphic code or Collections logic or whatever else. I could imagine this could be much more fun than asking developers to write walls of "unstructured data", i.e. text. :-)



Von: Squeak-dev <> im Auftrag von Bruce O'Neel <>
Gesendet: Dienstag, 2. Februar 2021 17:23:34
An:; The general-purpose Squeak developers list
Betreff: Re: [squeak-dev] Cannot read 4.3 image on Raspberry Pi

There are 3 axes at least here for linux

1. CPU (includes 32/64 bit)
2. OS
3. Distribution

All three have to line up for someone to go from a git checkout to a build on an ARM or x86 linux version.  So my little hint works correctly on RaspberryPI OS and most other Debian based systems.  And not on others.

Maybe we should separate out the build instructions into two files?

The current build instructions file which references a pre-requisites file or files. 

I don't like the additional complexity, but, I'd really like the files to be short.  I have found over the years that line 25 is the first line not read in the README.  For the few that will read the files you have to get all the important info in the first few lines of any instructions.

01 February 2021 08:56 "Bruce O'Neel" <> wrote:
Good news/bad news.

The good news is that Pulse sound driver can be solved with:

1.  apt install libpulse-dev
2.  Make sure you say yes to clean, and rebuild.

The bad news is that while sound might "work" in the sense that sounds will now be produced we seem to have a problem with the sounds skipping and having pops in them.  That's still being worked on....



01 February 2021 08:36 Jim Rosenberg <> wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 18, 2021 at 07:07:25AM -0500, I wrote:
>> Ouch! I have a lot of artistic work which is developed in Squeak on
>> Linux -- currently only up to 4.3 (which is working fine for me, so I
>> haven't upgraded). I'm trying to run one of my 4.3 images on a
>> Raspberry Pi 3B+ which is at Raspbian 10 (buster), and with the current
>> armv6 squeak VM, getting the message
>> This interpreter (vers. 6521) cannot read image file (vers. 6504).
>> Suggestions?

--On Monday, January 18, 2021 09:15:46 AM -0500 "David T. Lewis"

> If you do not mind installing development tools on your Raspberry Pi, then
> the best thing to do is compile the VM yourself. Instructions for doing
> this are at
> If you have any difficulty building your VM, please ask for help. And
> if it works without problems, please report back so we know.

It built without a hitch, and worked fine with all but one of the images I
tested it on. The image that caused me trouble uses sound. Everything else
worked fine, but the default build seemed not to support sound at all. The
only drivers were vm-sound-null and vm-sound-custom.

I've had no luck with Linux sound on my desktop using anything other than
vm-sound-pulse -- that works fine. squeak -h didn't show vm-sound-pulse as
an available driver oh the version I built on the Raspberry Pi, so I set
out to fix that. After installing the pulse development library, configure
found it, and now I have an image on which everything just works. Thanks
for the help!!

lit-archive 82% squeak -version
4.19.5-3796 #1 Wed 20 Jan 2021 08:45:38 AM EST /usr/bin/cc
Linux lit-archive 5.4.83-v7+ #1379 SMP Mon Dec 14 13:08:57 GMT 2020 armv7l
plugin path: /usr/local/lib/squeak/4.19.5-3796 [default:

* * *

> You can find a precompiled VM for ARM v61 at
> which may work, although it is out of date so I am not sure if it will
> run on your Pi.

Results here are not so happy. The display driver is marked in red on that
web page as "experimental"; on my images it mangles bitmaps in SketchMorphs
in a way that is completely unacceptable. It looks almost as though there
was some kind of attempt to do after-the-fact anti-aliasing that just went
haywire on my graphics.

-Thanks, Jim
