=============== Summary ===============

Change Set:        LinkedList copyFromTo
Date:            10 January 2024
Author:            Christoph Thiede

Adds efficient version of LinkedList>>#copyFrom:to: and tests edge cases.

=============== Diff ===============

LinkedList>>copyFrom:to: {copying} · ct 1/10/2024 17:55
+ copyFrom: startIndex to: stopIndex
+     "Optimized for copying in O(n) instead of O(n^2)."
+     | copy i |
+     startIndex <= 0 ifTrue: [^ self error: 'startIndex is out of bounds'].
+     stopIndex < 0 ifTrue: [^ self error: 'stopIndex is out of bounds'].
+     copy := self class new.
+     i := 0.
+     self linksDo: [:link |
+         (i := i + 1) >= startIndex ifTrue:
+             [i > stopIndex ifTrue: [^ copy].
+             copy addLast: link value]].
+     i + 1 < startIndex ifTrue: [^ self error: 'startIndex is out of bounds'].
+     i >= stopIndex ifTrue: [^ copy].
+     ^ self error: 'stopIndex is out of bounds'

LinkedListTest>>testCopyFromToBounds {tests - copying part of sequenceable} · ct 1/10/2024 17:31
+ testCopyFromToBounds
+     | collection |
+     collection := self collectionWithoutEqualElements .
+     self
+         should: [collection copyFrom: 0 to: -1]
+         raise: Error.
+     self assert: (collection copyFrom: 1 to: 0) isEmpty.
+     self assert: (collection copyFrom: 2 to: 1) isEmpty.
+     self assert: (collection copyFrom: collection size to: collection size - 1) isEmpty.
+     self assert: (collection copyFrom: collection size + 1 to: collection size) isEmpty.
+     self
+         should: [collection copyFrom: collection size + 2 to: collection size + 1]
+         raise: Error.
+     self
+         should: [collection copyFrom: 0 to: 0]
+         raise: Error.
+     self assert: (collection copyFrom: 1 to: 1) asArray = {collection first}.
+     self assert: (collection copyFrom: collection size to: collection size) asArray = {collection last}.
+     self
+         should: [collection copyFrom: collection size + 1 to: collection size + 1]
+         raise: Error.
+     self assert: (collection copyFrom: 1 to: collection size) = collection.
+     self
+         should: [collection copyFrom: 0 to: collection size]
+         raise: Error.
+     self
+         should: [collection copyFrom: 1 to: collection size + 1]
+         raise: Error.
+     self
+         should: [collection copyFrom: 1 to: -1]
+         raise: Error.
+     self assert: (collection copyFrom: 2 to: 0) isEmpty.
+     self assert: (collection copyFrom: collection size + 1 to: collection size - 1) isEmpty.
+     self
+         should: [collection copyFrom: collection size + 2 to: collection size]
+         raise: Error.

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["LinkedList copyFromTo.1.cs"]