Hello John,

I'm using a recent Squeak VM, version 3.10.2-7179 and I use windows.

Thank you for the information, I followed the steps you describe. I now discovered that the plugin does work, at least partially. I can download contents using http via the plugin. The method that gives a primitiveFailed error is "Curl curlVersion". So the general mechanism works only a specific message gives an error.


On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 8:05 PM, John M McIntosh <johnmci@smalltalkconsulting.com> wrote:
Ok, I assume you read http://wiki.squeak.org/squeak/5865
also you don't mention what platform (linux, windows, macintosh)

You only need VMMaker if you want to build a plugin.

In general to use a third party plugin you need:

(a) the smalltalk code that talks to the plugin
(b) the DLL
(c) any dynamically linked libraries the plugin relies on.

In general the primitive call will fail because:

(a) the VM cannot find the plugin DLL, so ensure the plugin DLL is placed where it can be found.
(b) the plugin DLL cannot find some dynamically linked library, usually plugins are statically linked to reduce this problem.
(c) the plugin startup logic decides some pre-condition or requirment isn't met, look for log messages.
(d) Plugins are tied to the Squeak callback API version, if you attempt to use a  plugin that uses the latest Squeak API against a VM that uses a older Squeak API it  will not load. Ensure you use the latest VM since it should support plugins complied today or 10 years back.
(e) On Unix systems beware the permissions on the DLL have to be correct, executable by the user for example.

On 22-Jan-09, at 1:03 PM, Jan van de Sandt wrote:

Hello list,

I want to use the CurlPlugin as a http client. But I cannot find information on how a plugin should be installed/configured. I have loaded the package from SqueakSource using Monticello and I have downloaded the dll's and stored them in my SqueakVM directory. But when I try to run some code I get a primitive failed error.

I can find some information on how to create a plugin but not on how to use a plugin developed by someone else. Is the VMMaker package required when you just want to use a plugin? Please help me get started.


John M. McIntosh <johnmci@smalltalkconsulting.com>
Corporate Smalltalk Consulting Ltd.  http://www.smalltalkconsulting.com