You can explore ProjectHistory currentHistory mostRecentCopy.

Find and select the project that is missing a window.
 ProjectViewMorph openOn: self 
DoIt the code pane.

I'm not sure why the morph dissaprears


On Tue, Nov 27, 2018 at 8:58 PM Tim Johnson <digit@sonic.net> wrote:

I wanted to experiment with sharing a Project across images.

I did World menu->open->morphic project.  (I can enter it and return, or
not enter it at all, and it has no effect on what I'm reporting here.)

I then menu-clicked inside the project's thumbnail and chose "see if
server version is more recent."

This brings up a chooser dialog and makes the project thumbnail morph

Desired behavior:  Seems like when the chooser dialog appears, the
thumbnail morph shouldn't disappear.

(The project still appears in the Projects menu on the docking bar.)

I don't know if there's any way to get the thumbnail back...

I can file a bug in Mantis if desired.

Tim J