I suspect that is because ReadWriteStream is built to work roughly like FileStreams- except over other arbitrary collections.  Basically, let's you read at arbitrary spots, go back, overwrite those spots, and then continue on.  As such, I would think #contents is exactly the right behavior.  Take this example:

|stream| stream := ReadWriteStream on: 'Chirs'.
stream next; contents.  "---< 'Chris' - the contents of the underlying collection, not some adhoc part."

What you are probably looking for is #resetToStart (which if you used in your example would not have surprised you - although the name surprised me).


On Tue, May 1, 2018 at 1:00 PM, Chris Muller <ma.chris.m@gmail.com> wrote:
Does anyone know why ReadWriteStream overrides #contents from WriteStream?

WriteStream behaves as I would expect

   |stream| stream := WriteStream on: String new.
   stream nextPutAll: 'chris'; reset; nextPutAll: 'C'; contents     "--->  'C'   as expected"

but ReadWriteStream doesn't...

   |stream| stream := ReadWriteStream on: String new.
   stream nextPutAll: 'chris'; reset; nextPutAll: 'C'; contents     "---> 'Chris'   unexpected!"

I want to reuse a ReadWriteStream, so I want #contents to honor the end position.  What's going on here?