Ok.  I looked at the options - one says to filter (or not); the other says how deep to filter.

I'd prefer to use the up/down (and/or another set of keys) for navigation - not just any key - and let filter continue on after a pause.  But that's just me.

What is less helpful (just found out), is that after you filter a list, then clear it (backspace), you can't filter it again.  The tree morph allows for exactly 1 try at filtering it's list.  There should be some way to reset it, I would think.


On Fri, Feb 3, 2017 at 12:01 AM, Chris Muller <asqueaker@gmail.com> wrote:
There are at least two use cases:  filtering and navigation.

The selection responds to what you type, not when you type it.

Marcel left it with at least a couple of use-cases fulfilled.  A couple of
preferences tweak different ways of thinking about it.  Search for
"filter" in preferences and note the two "Filterable Trees" preferences.

On Thu, Feb 2, 2017 at 7:15 PM, Chris Cunningham
<cunningham.cb@gmail.com> wrote:
> After looking at Chris' earlier email about filtering the list in Explorers,
> I decided to play with it.  For some reason it had never occurred to me that
> you could even do that.  Neat.
> However, the behavior is odd, and I'd like confirmation that what I am
> seeing is what is intended (and/or if I'm the only one seeing it - i.e., if
> I botched something up).
> When the focus is on the list, if you type characters fast enough, the
> characters typed all act as a filter on the list.  This is as expected.
> If you pause a certain amount of time (not long, for me), and then type
> another character, it no longer takes this as a filter to the list, but
> rather moves the selection down the list.  This seems to happen no matter
> what the characters is.  Except backspace, which clears the filter.
> Is this expected and/or does it happen in your image?
> Thanks,
> -cbc