Thanks for your replies and adaptations guys. So I will remove all the BlockContextTests and look at least into the failure of testFinalization, which only occurs in the unattended testruns and must be induced by something I do to log the testresults.


On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 12:20 AM, Eliot Miranda <> wrote:

On Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 8:23 PM, Alexander Lazarević <> wrote:

Running the tests for a recent trunk image I get the following:

 error   | ClosureCompilerTest     | testSourceRangeAccessForBlueBo
 error   | ClosureCompilerTest     | testSourceRangeAccessForInjectInto
 error   | ClosureCompilerTest     | testSourceRangeAccessForClosureLongFormBytecodeInjectInto
 error   | ClosureCompilerTest     | testSourceRangeAccessForClosureBytecodeInjectInto
 error   | ClosureCompilerTest     | testSourceRangeAccessForBlueBookLongFormInjectInto
 error   | ClosureCompilerTest     | testInjectIntoDecompiledDebugs
 failure | ClosureCompilerTest     | testInjectIntoDecompilations
 failure | ClosureCompilerTest     | testDebuggerTempAccess

I guess this all will turn green after an update from eliot?

Yes for some.  Others are obsolete.
On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 7:10 PM, Eliot Miranda <> wrote:
Also, FYI, last week I fixed all the bugs in the compiler that caused failures in ClosureCompilerTest & ClosureTests.  I haven't had time to attempt to integrate these but hope to soon.

 failure | DebuggerUnwindBug       | testUnwindDebuggerWithStep
Same for this one?


 error   | BlockContextTest        | testTallyMethods
 error   | BlockContextTest        | testTrace
 error   | BlockContextTest        | testValueWithExitBreak
 error   | BlockContextTest        | testValueWithExitContinue
 error   | BlockContextTest        | testBlockIsBottomContext
 error   | BlockContextTest        | testCopyStack
 error   | BlockContextTest        | testFindContextSuchThat
 failure | BlockContextTest        | testSupplySeveralAnswersToSeveralQuestions
 failure | BlockContextTest        | testValueWithArguments
 failure | BlockContextTest        | testSetUp
 failure | BlockContextTest        | testSupplyAnswerThroughNestedBlocks
 failure | BlockContextTest        | testSupplyAnswerUsingTraditionalMatchOfQuestion
 failure | BlockContextTest        | testSupplySameAnswerToAllQuestions

Same for those?

No.  The BlockContext tests are obsolete.

 failure | FontTest                | testFallback
 failure | FontTest                | testResetAfterEmphasized
 error   | LocaleTest              | testLocaleChanged
 failure | LocaleTest              | testIsFontAvailable
 failure | MCSnapshotBrowserTest   | testNoSelection
 failure | MethodPragmaTest        | testReformat
 failure | MorphicToolBuilderTests | testGetButtonSideEffectFree
 failure | ObjectFinalizerTests    | testFinalization
 failure | ReleaseTest             | testUndeclared
 error   | SMDependencyTest        | test2
 failure | TestIndenting           | testNewLineStartsIndentedWhenWrapped
 failure | TestIndenting           | testSetUp
 failure | TraitFileOutTest        | testFileOutCategory

Any status on these?

Not from me.  I'll try and take a look at MethodPragmaTest>>testReformat
