I found the following example of using the -headless command-line option related to Swiki.
squeak -headless squeak.image config.st
The Configuration File config.st looks something like this:
ComSwikiLauncher allInstances do:
[ :instance |
  instance port: 8000.
  instance isOn ifTrue: [ instance stopServer ].
  instance startServer.
Why does the last line end in ".!"?
I've been struggling for weeks to get anything to work with -headless on both Mac OS X and Windows. Based on the lack of replies to my questions on this it seems fair to conclude that this feature isn't used by most Squeak developers. Is that the case?
I'd love to see a simple example of a .st file that can be used with -headless. More than anything I'd love to get some confirmation that -headless actually works for somebody.
Mark Volkmann