Ah -- never mind my last message. I have the A record pointing to right now. Not sure who that is is, but that's what was decided before. I will make the change to the IP you suggest below once you confirm the timeline.


On 1/30/06, Adrian Lienhard <adi@netstyle.ch> wrote:
SqueakSource is online again and happily running on the new server...

John, could you change the A records of (www.)squeaksource.com to
point to (The new server runs Apache and the virtual
hosts are set up so that it does not need your proxy anymore.)


On Jan 28, 2006, at 18:17 , Adrian Lienhard wrote:

> We plan to move SqueakSource ( www.squeaksource.com) to a new server
> and at the same time upgrade the version. Hence, the service will
> not be available for a couple of hours next Monday afternoon (GMT
> +1). Requests to the old server ( kilana.unibe.ch:8888 which is
> probably still in use instead of squeaksource.com) will be
> forwarded so that no changes should be required.
> Adrian
> ___________________
> Adrian Lienhard
> www.adrian-lienhard.ch

It's easy to have a complicated idea. It's very very hard to have a simple idea. -- Carver Mead