Ron, etc-

Would someone who might know of my work or my time with Squeak (since 1999) could rate me? My username is revaaron.  Thanks! If I don't get a response, I'll start tracking some of you guys down... >:-)


On Feb 20, 2007, at 10:43 AM, Ron Teitelbaum wrote:



You are only eligible to vote for the Squeak Foundation Board 2007 if you have a certified squeak People account.


You must have a certification of at least Apprentice to vote.


In order to get certified you can ask people with at least an Apprentice certification to certify you.  


If you can not get certified an email to this list will probably do it.


If you have questions about the election or the process please feel free to email me or anyone on the elections team,


Ron Teitelbaum

Squeak Elections Team Member