Hello David,

On Fri, Mar 1, 2013 at 6:31 PM, David Faught <dave.faught@gmail.com> wrote:
Nikolay Suslov wrote:
>David Faught wrote:
>> ... the Procedural Textures Croquet/OpenGL/GLSL project.
>> ...

> The code is available at Open Cobalt source code repository (
> http://croquet-src-01.oit.duke.edu:8886/Contributions.html) as > Tweak-OpenGL-daf.11.mcz. > > It will be good, if we could again have it running on top of recent Squeak > 4.4 image. OpenGL from Croquet is working in current Squeak, but TweakCore > could not be loaded any more.
Because of the Tweak used in this project, the quickest, easiest way to
resurrect it would be to use a base of OpenQwaq or Cobalt. Rewriting the UI
to use Morphic would not be too hard though, for a single user environment.
Yes, but it will be great if we could have this project in mainstream Squeak4.4 base image, where the current development process is going on. Anyway, Tweak is a huge step forward in GUI building, with it's simplicity, clarity and Croquet ready functionality. And these days I have tried to load TweakCore and TweakExtras on Squeak 4.4, and with some modifications it's seems to be working! So, alongside with CroquetGL package your project, just should be run on current Squeak. I'll try to do it, and share the results.
>> Time to redo it in WebGL anyway!
> Yes, and what is about WebGL shader's generator being running on Smalltalk side?
I'm not sure what you mean by this.  The OpenGL code to compile and run shaders
was used by this Procedural Textures project and by the Avatar animation part of
Cobalt (and probably in OpenQwaq too?)  As far as I am concerned, this should be
part of the current OpenGL package.  And FBO support too!

Or are you talking about OpenGL/ES, which is what WebGL is based on? My impression
is that this is a subset of the full OpenGL.  Maybe Squeak support of OpenGL
should be modeled on OpenGL/ES instead of the full OpenGL??

The only API I know of for WebGL is in Javascript, so maybe Amber would be an
approach.  (http://amber-lang.net/)

By WebGL shader's generator, being running on Smalltalk side, I mean "webgl streaming" from Squeak to Web browser, like what is done in Blender 3D community (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDIn8T4H7xE). So, for doing that we have Andreas's WebServer with websocket support and CroquetGL on the Squeak side, and ThreeJS (or GLGE) on the client side, hosted at the same WebServer or Seaside app. More over, it will be better to stream just onto the novel Virtual World Framework, Croquet compatible.

