Hi Chris,

On Wed, Jun 13, 2018 at 8:34 PM, Chris Cunningham <cunningham.cb@gmail.com> wrote:

I was running the full test suite (which takes a LONG time), and it encountered a #halt in Decompiler>>pushTemporaryVariable:

When trying to figure out where this was, it appears to be in DecompilerTests>>testDecompilerInClassesCNtoCZ.

Appears to be because the image is now borked - unusuable.  Any attempt to browse one of those classes or methods throws an error about the change file failing (primGetPosition: failed).

Is this related to the "don't log changes while tests are running"?  Or something else.

As stated earlier it is due to bugs in the decompiler/debugger (specifically block start to temp name mapping) in the full block regime.  You should find this fixed in  Compiler-eem.383/Compiler-eem.384.  Thank you _very much_ for spotting this.  It would have been an awful black mark on the new release.


best, Eliot