Guys thank you for the answers so far. It is good to see this feedback from the community!


2012/9/24 Chris Cunnington <>
On 12-09-24 8:34 AM, Herbert König wrote:
Hi Hernán

No flame war intended. Maybe this topic has been discussed on this list, but I've never found a satisfactory conclusion. With "today" I mean why to start a software project *from scratch* with Squeak?

I believe that human beings are more peaceful and fulfilled when they are able to try to realize their potential. This cannot happen without a spirit of intellectual freedom. Of the Smalltalks, Squeak is the community with the greatest interest in and respect for intellectual freedom. Pursuant of that the Etoys project endeavors to help the most number of people to realize their potential. It may sound high minded, but I see a inverse correlation between people's ability to realize their potential and the amount of war, rape, murder, and terror in the world. Intellectual freedom is required as a foundation.

Squeak is the Athens of Smalltalk. We are not the Sparta of Pharo or the Persian despots of Cincom. Sparta had its moments against Sparta, but if you visit it today, it's an empty field. As opposed to the Acropolis. Which of the two is more inspiring?

The question is simple. Do you want to be assimilated into a vision created by the managers of Cincom and Pharo? Or do you want to be assisted by means of software in realizing what is lying dormant inside of you?

The code is just the clay. It's the spirit that give is shape. Ours community is the most intellectually free.
