The "...etc..." part is a limitation in the implementation of #printString, which get called by #asString here. The goal is *not* to put huge amounts of data into the Transcript or other simple UI elements where it might be unwieldy. If you really want the full thing printed out, use

myBigOrderedCollection printStringLimitedTo: 99999999


myBigOrderedCollection fullPrintString


On 8/31/13 4:49 AM, Squeak List wrote:

I have an OrderedCollection with 24,576 elements.

A bunch of musical notes basically: each of the 24,576 elements is like:
#('eo6' 0.25 500)
for example.

Goal: I would like to turn that *entire* OrderedCollection into a single MIDI file.

However, there seems to be some sort of size limitation that I do not see how to get around.

1) Even before getting to the MIDI part, I tried:

FileStream fileNamed: '1-24576.rtf'
do: [:stream | stream nextPutAll: ((oc copyFrom: 1 to:24576) asString)].

which creates a nice file of 48.8KB size.
And opening the file, it ends with:
 #('c#o6' 0.25 500) #('d...etc...
which is not what I expected.

2) If I do:

FileStream fileNamed: '1-2729.rtf'
do: [:stream | stream nextPutAll: ((oc copyFrom: 1 to:2729) asString)].

it works fine: ending tidily with the expected:
#('c#o6' 0.25 500))

3) But,

FileStream fileNamed: '1-2730.rtf'
do: [:stream | stream nextPutAll: ((oc copyFrom: 1 to:2730) asString)].

is where this starts:
 #('c#o6' 0.25 500) #('d...etc...

This exact same problem happens when making MIDI files: there seems to be a size limitation around 48.8KB.

Aside from MIDI, is FileStream just the wrong class to use for anything larger than creating a 48.8kb text file (.txt or .rtf)? Or how can I get around this restriction?

Any suggestions are most welcome.


Windows 7 - 64 bit

latest update: #12319
Current Change Set: Unnamed
Image format 6505 (32 bit)

Croquet Closure Cog VM [CoInterpreter VMMaker.oscog-eem.331]
Win32 built on Aug 22 2013 10:20:54 Compiler: 3.4.4 (cygming special, gdc 0.12, using dmd 0.125)
platform sources revision VM: r2776