On Mon, Jan 6, 2014 at 4:35 PM, Colin Putney <colin@wiresong.com> wrote:

On Mon, Jan 6, 2014 at 4:40 PM, Tobias Pape <Das.Linux@gmx.de> wrote:
Before trying to shrink, check that there are _not_ the 8 Obsoletes I talked about in
<94EA41C1-42EF-462E-8883-A8999AA7CB03@gmx.de> (http://forum.world.st/Obsoletes-tp4732904p4732931.html)


In the latest Trunk, there's only 6 obsolete classes, as the recent Environment changes fixed the two of them. The following script, adapted from your post above, cleans them up nicely:

" Fix obsolete ColorTheme"
ColorTheme current class isObsolete ifTrue: [
ColorTheme current: nil.
Smalltalk garbageCollect.
ColorTheme current].

" Fix obsolete uncle classes (cls->meta->super)"
(Smalltalk allClasses select: [:cls | cls theMetaClass superclass isObsolete]
) copy do: [:withObsoleteUncle | | cls2 |
cls2 := withObsoleteUncle addInstVarName: 'veryUnlikelyToExisitAnywhereInTheSystemAsVariableName'.
Smalltalk garbageCollect.
cls2 removeInstVarName: 'veryUnlikelyToExisitAnywhereInTheSystemAsVariableName'.].
Smalltalk garbageCollect.
Smalltalk fixObsoleteReferences.

Running "Smalltalk shrink" then complains about two obsolete behaviours, and I this is a bug with Installer. If I just close the debugger and inspector, collect garbage and then run "SystemNavigation default obsoleteBehaviors" I get an empty array. 

So it looks like the shrink works. It doesn't do much, though. My image goes from 20.9MB, down to 20.3MB. 

and (just to check) you've already done Smalltalk unloadReloadablePackages?  I managed to get down to a 12 Mb minimal trunk but I had to hack fix a lot of MNUs.  Basically we have work to do to make those packages really unload.