On Jul 2, 2014, at 3:36 PM, Eliot Miranda <eliot.miranda@gmail.com> wrote:

On Wed, Jul 2, 2014 at 12:04 PM, David T. Lewis <lewis@mail.msen.com> wrote:
The script is installed as /usr/local/bin/squeak.

Yes that is the one that might get stepped on by the Cog install.

What cog install is this?  The Cog tarballs on my site don't install anywhere specific.  They unpack to a directory called e.g. coglinuxht, cogspurlinux, etc.  They don't stomp on anything.

I think that's the point entire. Ken chose one place to install Cog /usr/bin/squeak while David chose to install the Interpreter in /usr/local/bin/squeak. They each built their debs (and deb creation tools like cogdeb.zip) differently. Probably by accident. Perhaps that's a good thing? 


>From a Debian packaging point of view, there may be other overlapping
files also.


> On Jul 2, 2014, at 12:32 PM, David T. Lewis <lewis@mail.msen.com> wrote:
>> The interpreter VM is installed on both box3 and box4. The debs are in
>> /root/localdebs and a record of the installation is in the log file in
>> the
>> root account (I don't remember the name).
> Yup, I see it. Here it is.
> admin-log.txt:  sudo dpkg -i /root/localbuild/squeakvm_20131020-1_i386.deb
> OK, r2793 is the Interpreter VM and it's installed in both boxes. It's
> installed in a different location that Cog:
>>> /usr/lib/squeak/4.0-2776
>>> /usr/local/lib/squeak/4.10.2-2793
> To my mind that means there's no naming conflict, but I suspect that's not
> what you mean. In both box3 and box4 the only script in /usr/bin is cogvm
> in box4. The interpreter VM has no script to start it, which I think
> explains why "squeak -version" produces nothing at all; whereas, "cogvm
> -version" does. And this is the naming convention you want to clear with
> Eliot, right? What to call the script that starts a VM process? I don't
> think the Interpreter has one installed on either box.
> Closer?
> Chris
>> Dave
>>> I did a bit of a survey of VMs on boxes 3 and 4. [1] My aim is to
>>> upgrade
>>> box4 to the latest Cog (non-Spur) VM available.
>>> I think I can do that in box4 with no fuss, as I don't think the
>>> Interpreter VM is installed. So I don't expect a conflict. It is worth
>>> noting that some binaries are stored in /usr/local/lib and others in
>>> /usr/lib.
>>> About where to put the .deb files. I guess the proper thing is to use
>>> cogdeb.zip in /root/localbuild and then copy the deb to /root/localdeb.
>>> Chris
>>> [1]
>>> BOX3 - start script used
>>> cogvm -version      r2776
>>> /usr/bin/cogvm
>>> /usr/lib/squeak/4.0-2776
>>> /usr/local/lib/squeak/4.10.2-2793
>>> /home/chrismuller/vm/lib/squeak/4.0-2761
>>> /home/chrismuller/vm/lib/4.4.7-2357
>>> localdebs:
>>> cogvm_2776-1_i386.deb         squeakvm_20131020-1_i386.deb
>>> djbdns_1.05-2_amd64.deb       squeakvm64_20131020-1_i386.deb
>>> squeak-sources_4.1-1_all.deb
>>> BOX3 - no start script used?
>>> squeak -version
>>> cannot find VM to run image 'squeak' with option ''
>>> /usr/local/lib/squeak/4.10.2-2793/squeakvm
>>> /home/davidlewis/[VM|VMCogUnixBuild|VMUnixBuild]
>>> /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/*
>>> localdebs:
>>> squeakvm_20131020-1_i386.deb  squeakvm64_20131020-1_i386.deb
